Friday, November 12, 2010

Foundations in Leadership 1.8 , A Worksheet On Leadership For Youth.

This is handout 1.8 (The Gifts of You) in Foundations to Leadership. I wrote it to help develop the Youth Leaders (LITs) in our Church Awana Club. This hand-out and others like it are given to the kids at the end of club to take home and review during the week. They write out answers to the questions which they then discuss with a mentor, and return to club. I do not object to it being copied and used.

Foundations of Leadership 1.8 The Gifts of You

After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents brought the other five, “Master,” he said, “You entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more. His master replied, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” Matthew 25; 19- 21. NIV.

God has given us gifts of character, talents and skills. The Bible teaches we have Gifts of the Spirit often called Spiritual Gifts, (we will discuss spiritual gifts in detail at a later time). A leader needs to have a sense of his or hers natural gifts as well as their spiritual gifts. Those new to service or leadership may need time and experience to mature into their gifts, so their gifts may not yet be apparent.

1. Why do you think a leader must have a strong sense of their natural and spiritual gifts?

2. Why does God give us natural and spiritual gifts?

3. What is our responsibility to others concerning our natural and spiritual gifts?

4. Why does God call us into account for our gifts?

5. A. What do you think are your natural gifts?

5. B. What do you think are your spiritual gifts?

6. Which Gift do you have natural or spiritual which you can use most to the greatest benefit for others?

7. What can you do to use that gift to serve at Awanas?

Review with a mentor or parent. Signature of mentor or parent: __________________


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(c) Adron