Is there a limit to God's love?
A child may ask how much do you love me and it is cute but the question is a serious one when we become adults, especially regarding God.
"For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;" Psalm 103:11.
We are earthbound and any reference to height, no matter if it is the top of a ladder, a building, a mountain or the heavens makes us aware of our smallness.High as a term of measurement is unique because most other measures have limits of some sort or they change at some point such as measuring light, sound, or heat, but if Earth is a starting point and you go up you keep on going up without changing the nature of going up.
It is interesting that the word Heaven is used and not sky or universe. The idea of sky or universe suggests limits but the heavens are outside our limits and this extends the concept of something that is far beyond measure.This makes the measurement to be measureless. The expanding universe has no bounds so the direction of up or high does not have a stopping point, so we understand that there are no boundaries to God's love it is infinite
With the words, "so great," the verse moves to compare the infinite measure of "ultimate up" to God's love.
These two words suggest the equality of the next subject. The psalmist could have used some other comparative term like, just as, or is the same way, or just so measureless but to say "so great" not only gives the sense of equality but a value of importance, and awesome wonder.
God is a God of love, but since it is His love it is unlike anything we know, we really have nothing to compare it to and any attempts to find a similar experience of love in human experience will fall laughably short.
This verse speaks lastly about our relationship with God.
To fear God is not contradictory to loving God but it is the realization of His holiness that we start to understand when we come to know Him. If you know Him you begin to respect and reverence Him.
The proof of God's love is not in words but in actions. The Apostle Paul points out that "God demonstrates his love for us in this in that while we were sinners Christ died for us." Romans 5:8. God's love for us is more than a positive feeling toward us. It is a love that acts- God loved us and died to pay for our sins. Our sin is the only barrier to God's love and He took care of that at Calvary on the cross.
The world is divided into those who know and fear God and those who do not know God. If you are not confident that you are one of those who know God then CLICK HERE to read my other post about salvation.
(c)Adron Dozat 7/1/17