Saturday, December 19, 2009

How To Have Peace In The Apocalypse. Isaiah 54:10. NIV

 No one knows if any of us will live to see the days of Great Tribulation, but many of us have our own personal ordeal.

“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed says the Lord, who has compassion on you.” Isaiah 54:10.

We cannot imagine the mountains shaken and removed, they are the standard of permanence but even if they were scraped away God's love cannot be moved. It is to say God's love will outlast the mountains.

Whatever your personal disaster the Almighty God of heaven and earth loves you and sees you. The highest mountains are weak compared to Gods love. His love will never erode or crumble; it is not affected by the forces of nature or our universe. His love is above our disaster and reaches down into it.

His love meets every challenge and it has overcome the greatest challenge- our sin and its judgment.

The opposite of apocalypse is peace, and God offers us a “covenant of peace” through Jesus. The Bible says, “Therefore since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ," (Romans 5:1). A covenant is a contract or promise; and that the God of heaven and earth makes a contract is the most solid promise there ever could be.

His promise of peace will stand high after the mountains are dissolved. Our part of the covenant is faith, we must trust in Jesus. Jesus came to rescue us from the personal individual apocalypse of eternity without God’s love. He came to deliver us from death and to give us eternal life. He bought that deliverance by his own blood on the cross for us. We may never have peace in this world and may experience disaster but we will have something far better- Peace with God.

If you are suffering through a personal tribulation and want to find the promise of peace that God offers through Jesus see my other blog.

(c) Adron

A prayer

Father God, I am powerless to fix this disaster.
I come to you in weakness, please give strength to my faith,
And I ask for deliverance, from my life and my sin.
I know Jesus came to bring peace, in my soul and with God.
I know his death on the cross pays for my sins,
Those sins have robbed me of peace with God
I accept Your covenant of peace through Jesus.
I trust Jesus as my Savior from this life.
I will obey You Father God, even though trials come.
I thank you for the peace You give me.

(c) Adron

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