Thursday, September 24, 2009

What is the Purpose of my Life?

This short post gives a reference point that is basic to understanding who you are and how you can have direction in life.

Who am I, and why am I here are questions that mankind has asked for generations, but who has an answer?

”I know, O Lord, that a man’s life is not his own; it is not for a man to direct his steps.  Correct me, Lord, but only with justice- not in your anger, lest you reduce me to nothing.” Jeremiah 10:23-24.

If our lives are not our own then we are God’s, and as our Divine Maker, He can rightfully claim His ownership over us.  He is the creator and master of the universe and controls the events of our life.   Since we are His property He may do as He pleases with us.

If our lives are not our own we must consider the way we live life, and ask ourselves if it is in keeping with our Creator's will and what are the consequences of it?

The Almighty may direct our steps, for He is in control in all areas.  We may be bent on one way but God may direct our steps toward another path.

As sovereign over all things, God can affect circumstances and set boundaries we can’t cross.  We may have our own ideas and try to direct our own steps but He overrules and points us to the way we should go. When we play god in our own lives we fail, but when we choose to allow him to direct our path then we will walk in the ways of peace and blessing, and we are bringing the wisdom and power of God into the counsel of our agenda.

This is a good prayer for us all.  It is submissive to God since it calls Him Lord.  We often go astray and need Our Father set us right.  We know we are wrong to go our own way and that His way is good and best for us.

It is fearful to be corrected by The Almighty.  He is all-powerful and holy and in His holiness can blast us to ashes.  Jeremiah beseeches God to correct him, "only with justice," and hold back the wrath of sin's judgment.  We must be mindful of the many wrongs and sins that accompany our wandering ways.  We need The Lord to temper his "correction" with justice and mercy.

If God dealt with us as our sins deserve we would be without hope and would be in danger of his great wrath, but that this prayer is even in the Bible gives hope that we may pray such a humble prayer and find God's mercy, correction, and direction.

The prophet considered this fact that we belong to the Lord our Maker and that knowledge brought him to make a humble prayer of reverence and submission. May we also consider the fact that our Creator is our Owner and ask for His help to live as He wants us to. This will give us a purpose we would never have imagined otherwise.

If you want to find out more about coming to the God of mercy and finding eternal life free from the wrath of justice against sin visit my other blog: Click here.

© Adron 10/7/9