Saturday, September 26, 2009

What Prayer Brings a Believer Closer to God?

This short post takes instruction from an ancient poet whose words were recorded in the scriptures and can help you take a step to come closer to God- no matter where you are in your personal pilgrimage.

We want to be close to God but don't know how and what steps to take.

To be close to God requires an honest relationship with Him since He is pure and holy, but how can we have an honest relationship with God.  One man had the answer, and he expressed it in his ancient Psalm, a poem of devotion.

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24.

Why ask The Almighty to search your heart when He is All-knowing?  Why ask Him to test you if God already knows the outcome?  Answer: It is not for His benefit but yours.

This is the prayer of someone who wants to be close to the Lord.  It is an invitation; the psalmist welcomes the Lord of Heaven to reveal his sin to him.

He is asking God to dig down deep.  Then the author of the psalm asks God to see if there is any offensive way in him.  He says, "God, I am open; you can uncover anything you want."

What offends The Lord is called sin.  Sin enslaves us, and yet we love it even though it hurts us and those around us- we keep on doing it.  We don’t like to think about sin because it makes us uncomfortable.  We want to think we are OK and good, but sin exposes our self-conceptions for the vanity and the wicked things they are.

Sin is a barrier between you and your Father in Heaven; it robs you of the blessing of intimacy with God.  Sin keeps you from wanting to pray and serve Him.  If we see sin for what it is and turn from it then we will be happier, healthier, and blessed.  We need to see sin the same way God sees it.  We need to make holiness a happy lifestyle.

We need to be led and led by someone who knows the way.  The path through this world is twisted, dark, rocky, and full of pitfalls.  We need God to lead us through it and away from the path of temptation.  We need to pray about things that cause us to sin before they happen.

When we struggle with sin, we are thrust upon God; He is the only resource that overcomes sin.  It is through the blood of the lamb, Jesus, that sin is blotted out and opens a relationship with the Father.

To become close to God or to deepen your relationship with Him, follow the example of the ancient poet and, with openness, ask Him to show you where you transgress His standards.  Then turn from those things that offend him.  It all begins with the first step.

© Adron 9/26/09