Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Why Does Living For God Seem To Get Harder and Harder? Judges 7:7

We follow God and try to obey him but our lives get harder and our problems seem bigger.  Is something wrong?

"The Lord said to Gideon, With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands.  Let all the others go home." Judges 7:7.

The Midianites were enemies of God's people.  God chose Gideon to defend against them.  Thousands responded to Gideon's call but God reduced the numbers by instruction and then a test where Gideon was to observe how they drank from the river; those who drank face-down were excluded while the few who scooped the water with their hands and drank erect were selected.  This test left only three hundred to oppose the thousands of Midian.

God explains that he didn't want Gideon to boast.  God may share his glory but will not permit others to take it. Throughout the Bible, we see that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. (Proverbs 3:34).

Gideon did not give an early indication of greatness or leadership.  God had to push him into action. Once Gideon began things got harder, less logical, and full of doom, in spite of the fact that he was finally obeying and following God. You would think that when you follow God things would get clearer and easier but Gideon found himself with only three hundred against thousands, death and national disaster were obvious.

But God. (That is not a complete sentence, but it is a powerful statement.) One plus God is a majority. If Gideon faced the armies with his small force alone then defeat would have been certain; but God was in the picture, he had a plan and he was in charge.

God gave the victory. The three hundred didn't even carry weapons into the battle but lights and trumpets. The enemy turned on themselves; Gideon and his men just stood and witnessed the victory.

We may face overwhelming problems with no logical hope of victory, but remember God;
     * Continue to follow.
     * Continue to obey.
     * Continue to believe-
and you may find yourself standing blowing a trumpet announcing God is victorious.

(c) Adron 1/28/14

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