Saturday, June 22, 2013

Has God Given Up On Me?

Sometimes we feel that God has given up on us, we feel our mistakes, choices or actions have caused God to abandon us.

"The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O Lord, endures forever, Do not abandon the works of your hand." Psalm 138:8.

First, remember the Lord is the sovereign, author, and master of all; so He is able to be the one who is working to a good purpose.

This is possibly the strongest word in the verse. The "Lord will," The All-mighty can be counted on; he will do what he has planned because he is all-knowing.  He will succeed because he is all-powerful; He will not give up because he is all patient. He will fulfill his purpose, God never fails.

We may not know his purpose but God has a plan. There is not a maybe or let's wait and see what happens. You can be confident when it comes to God and His purpose.

No matter who you are, what you have or haven't done, and no matter what are your gifts, or lack of gifts, God has a specific purpose for you.

God's purpose is bound in his love, so because he loves us we can trust in his purpose. We may feel that God's love has left us but his love endures forever. His love is not weaker than our mistakes or our problems if his love endures forever it must be stronger than any problem we can throw at it.

"Do not abandon the works of your hand." is a prayer where the psalmist shows he is in one accord with the purpose of God. As a plea, it shows submission to God's will.

This prayer acknowledges that man is the work of the hand of the Creator.  It is an expression of intimacy with the one who made us. God made heaven and earth with his word of command but when he made mankind he formed man of the dust. This suggests that man was created with greater care and intimacy than the galaxies. We are the work of his hand in many ways.

We know God is good and all-powerful, we know he has a perfect plan for each of us; but when we doubt we can follow the example of this verse and pray that he will not abandon or give up on us.

To learn more about Our Father's purpose for you follow this link: Click Here.

(c) Adron 6/22/13