Thursday, December 20, 2012

How To Recognize Wisdom. James 3:17

How can we recognize wisdom? It is a valuable asset in a person's character. If you can identify this person they would be the person of choice.

"But the wisdom that comes from above is first of all pure, then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." James 3:17 NIV*.

From above, it is from God and learned in the study of his Word, the Bible, and the fellowship of prayer and devotion. It is not that the wise believe in God or religion- it is who his faith in God has made him into. It is gained through much time with the Creator.

It is first pure, without malice or agendas. It is innocent of wrongdoing or wrong thinking. It is free from pride, vanity, lust, and vainglory. This purity is of the heart, and from it grows out all the other traits of wisdom.

We all want peace, but the wise not only wants peace; they love peace. Peace is its passion; this makes it patient and gentle, not causing strife but being a peacemaker.

It is others' focused, not about self. It is considerate; it takes the needs, feelings, and concerns of others and elevates those above itself.

It is not arrogant, but it is humble. It takes the role of the servant. It is willing to yield its own rights to others. It is not inflexible about opinions or views but will bow to the moral standard when a difference of opinion may occur.

It is merciful. It leaves justice to the hands of God and practices the character of God that forgives. It has the mercy of actions, not just goodwill.

One doesn't need to wait long to see the good fruit. This is the evidence of a life lived wisely.

There is no favoritism but is the same for all who it encounters; each person is treated with grace no matter race, religion, social status, or any other consideration.

The actions that define it are true at all times and to the core of the being.

These tests of wisdom are all tests of actions and not matters of intellect or learning. These actions all have to do with our treatment of those around us. We must not be content to think wise but to act wisely.

The Lord Jesus is the ideal example of one who lived out these standards of wisdom. It is when we come to him to invite him into our lives and walk with him that we grow into wisdom.

*To read this verse in other translations, follow this link: James 3:7

(c) Adron 12/20/12