Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How To Learn Way Of The Lord. Psalm 86:11

How can anyone learn the ways of God? This would be a very wonderful thing, but isn't God beyond our understanding? There is a way and the Bible tells us how.

"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." Psalm 86:11. NIV*.

This Bible verse answers our question by giving us a prayer to pray. It is the simplicity of the concept that causes us to miss the point, the point is that to know God and his ways we need to pray and ask him. He is willing to share himself with us but we are so busy and obsessive that we neglect to bring him in by prayer or other disciplines such as reading the scriptures, service, fellowship, etc.

Where else can a person learn the ways of the Lord than by the Lord? We may read books and take courses, but we must ultimately be taught of the Lord by the Lord. We need to sit at the Lord's feet and listen and learn. We need to set aside time to spend with Him daily.

The way of the Lord is how he acts based on his character. Knowing what God is like helps us to please him. When we learn the "Way of the Lord," the natural result is that we live the life he wants us to; that is why the verse says "I will walk in your truth." This world is full of falsehood and darkness, we even doubt ourselves, and we need God to show us his truth.

We need an "undivided heart," a united heart that is all put together for God. Sometimes we are pulled in two directions when it comes to the spiritual. We are torn between God and the world; on one hand, we love God on the other, we may love a particular hobby, or interest, or image, or just ourselves, and it pulls us away from spending time with God. Those things are not bad but we just spend too much time with them.

We need God to give us this "undivided heart," because it is nothing we could ever achieve ourselves; there is not a course or pill or philosophy that will give it to us. We need to make this prayer our daily prayer that today and every day he gives us an undivided heart.


* To read this verse in other translations follow this link:Psalms 86:11.

© Adron 12/12/12