Monday, December 10, 2012

Who Does God Delight In? Psalm 149:4

Is there a kind of person that God takes delight in? If there is such a person shouldn't we find out how to be that person?

"For the Lord takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation." Psalm 149:4 NIV*.

What the Bible speaks of as delight here has the idea of satisfaction, pleasure, and restful contentment.  To delight in something is a reaction, God considers us and His reaction is positive.  Some people think of God as a bitter cosmic killjoy who wants to take all the fun out of life and burden people with a bunch of dos and don'ts rules.  The verse says the opposite, he doesn't look at us and become angry, instead, he wants to bless and do good for his people.

A crown is a finishing touch, like an exclamation mark.  It is worn on the head as an unmistakable token of rank and status.  To crown someone is to exalt them, give them honor, and status, these are the things God does for us.  God wants to give blessings beyond imagining to His people.  That God crowns His people suggest that He honors them.

Pride and arrogance have no standing before the Holy Lord of the Universe.  The humble here may not be the humble in society, which would exclude some people through no fault of their own, but the humble here is the humility of the heart.  To be humble of the heart is something that anyone can be.  It is a sense of our sinfulness that brings us to God with a humility that he honors with salvation.

God gives salvation as a gift, it is not earned or merited by our efforts, works, or personal achievements.  Salvation is given freely to those who admit their need and receive it.  Jesus died to pay for our sins, their judgment is paid for and God asks only that we believe in Christ and his death on our behalf.

All of us are of God's creation and all can call him Father, but He bestows salvation only on those who accept the gift of His son.  This verse connects humility with God's people; one might conclude that if you are not humble you can't be one of God's people.  Those who are humbled by their sin and call on his name in faith are crowned with salvation and become by new birth truly are his people.

If you want to learn about trusting Jesus as Savior and how to become one of God's people follow this link: Click Here.

*To read this verse in other translations click this link: Psalms 149:4

© Adron 12/10/12