Monday, November 12, 2012

How To Have a Perfect Church Service. Psalm 48:9

We go to church and we have expectations. We know we should have a good attitude, but we want to get something out of it too, including dynamic preaching and beautiful music. With all the conflicting needs and wants how can we ever have a perfect church service?

"Within your temple O God, we meditate on your unfailing love." Psalm 48:9 NIV. *

We often forget whose temple the church is. It is not our temple or even the temple of a religion. When we come into our church service we need to remind ourselves we are by faith entering the holy place of the Lord. Not holy because of a man made building but holy in the presence of the Lord.  By faith we gather to give worship, the service of the fruit of our hearts.

We don't go to be entertained, or even go to be preached at. We go into the worship service to direct our thoughts to the Most High.  We come to church services to remember Him who gave his life on the cross for our sins. We are reminded of how we were lost without the atoning blood of the sacrifice of Jesus. We are reminded of the wonderful God who provided salvation for us.

As we who know God by faith in the blood of his son, Jesus, direct our thoughts this way we find that it does not take long before we focus on God's unfailing love.  Byhis love he saw our lost condition with our slavery to sin and hopeless future; a love that says, "For God so loved the world he gave His only begotten son so that whosoever believes on him shall not perish but have everlasting life." John 3:16.  We are brought face to face with a love that acted sacrificially on the behalf of rebels and sinners- a love that did not give up.

When our focus is on God and our thoughts are filled with him it does not matter if the music is off key or the preacher's socks don't match, what matters is what is happening in our hearts.  We go to offer worship in faith not in sight. If our thoughts, private meditations or prayers seem small and trivial we continue to offer them by faith knowing they are accepted by a loving God and our worship is perfected by the Holy Spirit.

To Learn more about how you can find salvation follow this link: Click Here.

*To read this verse in other translations follow this link: Psalms48:9.

(c)Adron Dozat