Saturday, March 10, 2012

Is There A Side of Jesus That Is Not So Meek And Mild? Revelation 19:11

We like the picture of Jesus as a baby in a manager, the Jesus with a lamb on his shoulder, or the Jesus who blesses the children. The Bible does give those images of him, but there are some not so popular.

"I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God." Revelation 19:11-13. NIV. (see also 14-16)


The Book of the Revelation tells about the end times. Among its images and pictures is one of the Lord Jesus coming on a white horse crowned as king and making war against the ungodly.  Perhaps this picture is literal, or maybe it is figurative. It makes little difference since the point is that Jesus will rule.  He will be the champion king who leads the armies of God; he is seen with a sword (vs. 15), governs the nations with an iron scepter (vs. 16), and his title is "KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS," (vs. 17). This is not the meek Jesus who stood silently before the Roman governor and the Jewish ruling council.


We love to sing about how we have a friend in Jesus.  He said he was meek and lowly.  We must not forget that Jesus is not just the Good Shepherd. He is the climax of all history and will be the one who will rule the universe.  We should love the Lord yet also respect and revere him for his incredible power and position as God.


It is fantastic that though he is King of All, he still became a man born in a stable in the corner of the Roman Empire to walk among his creatures and die to pay for their sins.  We should be inspired to worship him with confidence and draw near him out of loving gratitude.

It is awesome to think that he who is the rightful king of the universe is my Savior, and he would call me friend- even brother.  Since Jesus will rule the universe as the king, it is wise to invite him to lead in our hearts now and to make him the Lord of our lives today.

A prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father.
Give me a clearer vision of Jesus.
Help me to know him correctly.
May I respect him with awe?
Help me to respond to his call to come
And help me put on the yoke of service.
May he who is Lord of the Universe be Lord of my heart.
May I do my part to bring about his kingdom
And may his kingdom come soon.

To learn more about knowing Jesus personally, visit my other blog, follow this link: Click here for my other blog.

(c)Adron Dozat 3/10/12

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