Sunday, March 11, 2012

Can Christians Be Tempted To Do Evil? 1 Corinthians 10:13

We often feel tempted to do evil. Sometimes the temptation feels so big that we think we have no choice. What should we do?

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out, so that you can stand up under it." I Corinthians 10:13, NIV.

To seize something is to grab it firmly so it can't escape. We may feel like we have been seized by temptation and can't escape but we have hope in this promise.

The temptations we face are not unique and we all share the same struggle. We can never say, "No one was ever tempted like I was."

The Lord does not tempt us to do evil; we do evil because we have a nature in us to do wrong and we live in a society that does wrong. God is in control, it would be an offense to his holiness if he allowed us to be tempted to evil in such a way that we could not choose to get out; it would make him guilty of the sin by association, so God must provide a way for everyone who is facing sin.

We can be assured that no temptation is so big that we have no choice. It is not just that God being holy must provide a way out, he loves us and his Son died to pay for our sins. God hates sin and will not trick anyone into sin, and because of his hatred of sin will offer every help so we may "stand up under it."

This verse does not say that temptation will just go away or stop, but that we will have the endurance to finish the time of testing without falling into sin.

This verse is a promise and like all promises, it can't be left idle and expect to happen. We need to accept the promise and act on it.

 As Christians, we do not live out rules we live a relationship with our Savior. A relationship is a personal thing and we each must bring our Lord into the things we experience. Any relationship must have communication and we communicate with God through prayer; therefore pray this verse and if the concept of claiming the promise helps then do so while you continue to look to God to show you the way of escape.

We must be vigilant about staying out of situations that lead to sin. We must resolve not to feed the evil we are prone to through modern media, experiences, or associations. We should pray daily to be kept from sin and for God to show us the pathways out of temptation.

A prayer:

Heavenly Father and holy God.
I am prone to evil and fall in sin,
forgive my frequent transgressions.
Give me a heart that resolves to follow you
make me disdain the sin in me
and to turn from opportunities to nurture it
Show me the way out of situations that lead to sin.
make me sensitive to the Holy Spirit's guidance
Help me to follow you singly
and not break from spiritual communion.

© Adron 3/11/12