Saturday, June 26, 2010

What Is The Secret Path to Success? Proverbs 16:3

Can a book, class, or seminar teach you success? Yes, it was written by the wisest man ever lived, and Solomon put it in one sentence.

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do and your plans will succeed." Proverbs 16:3. NIV.

To our modern ear, this sounds archaic and naive, like folklore or superstition, but upon reflection, the depth of these words becomes clear and the truth of it obvious.

If you commit some task to the Lord, you must do it in a way that is worthy of Him. You can’t just slam something together haphazardly and say it honors God; you need to behave honorably and do your best to the highest standards. You approach it as if The Almighty is watching over your shoulder- because he is.

To commit something to the Lord is to bring Him into it. He is the God of victory and is jealous of his name; He does not like things to be done in his name to fail. You are inviting His blessing, but more importantly, His partnership.

Another side of commitment is giving up your say in the plans. We must be able to give up our plans to our Divine Father's will and control. If we give our plans to God, then it is in His hands to grant success or failure. He may change the plans and probably will!

You should commit life's important events and projects to the Almighty, but we can commit “Whatever” to the Lord. There is no task too small or insignificant to be worthy of God. Few of us can be architects of grand schemes; not all of us can build a hospital or establish a fund to care for orphans in the Lord’s name.

We can commit to the Lord.
  • Doing the dishes, 
  • mowing the lawn, 
  • writing a paper, 
  • cleaning your room, 
  • washing the scum off the shower
  • Your job, 
  • your relationships, 
  • your home, 
  • car, 
  • bank account, 
  • clothing, 
  • and whatever is important.
It is a promise of scripture that your plans will succeed. It may be that He will rewrite the proposal and add a few lines to the blueprint or some other way to bring about success. His idea of success may not be like yours, but it will be better.

If you are going to commit something to the Lord, it must be done as an act of worship and service to give God glory and honor among men.

So whatever your plans are, you must commit them to the Lord. He wants us to, and He will honor it.

(c) Adron 6/26/10