Tuesday, January 13, 2015

How Can I Please God? 2 Corinthians 2:15

Since we are God's creatures he must have a purpose for us and that purpose must include pleasing him. If we please God part of our purpose will be fulfilled.

"But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place, For we are the fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things? 2 Corinthians 2:15.

We must be in Christ. This Bible verse is for those who are "in Christ." They have chosen to accept his terms of salvation, give him allegiance, and be faithful to him.

It is not an option. This scripture states a fact that once we come to Christ, we have become something. Coming to Christ not only gives salvation but makes us the fragrance of salvation to others.

You cannot stop the aroma. It goes where it will, and you can't put it back in a box to prevent others from experiencing it.

Fragrance reminds us of Old Testament worship. Our lives should be lived as an act of worship. If we are living worshipful lives those around us will take note that we are living a different way.

The Old Testament priests were anointed with perfumed oil. You could not help but smell it; if you were anywhere near, you shared an experience.

We do not just experience God's goodness; we become part of it; we become the blessing he wants to bless others with.

The aroma of our lives is not just that we live good lives full of noble sacrifices and acts of service to others but it is the aroma of knowing God. Knowing God is not academic knowledge about God but personally experiencing God the way you know a beloved friend not the way you know the facts of a person you never met. Knowing God must be personal, this is only possible through Jesus.

Ancient Romans burned incense during the triumphal parade. Enemies captured in battle would be paraded to their deaths smelling the incense, while the victors would be marching to reward and enjoy the promise of good things the incense suggested.

The vanquished enemies of Rome were condemned to death, when they marched in the procession it was a march to their death. Those who reject Jesus are marching toward their final days with the fear of death and an uncertain eternity.

Those given life by faith in Christ have a new life in this world and eternal life in the next.

The sweet aroma of our lives lived for Christ is a blessing to those around us and pleases God. Just as fragrance was used in worship and consecration, so are our lives to be filled with worship and service.

It is only in Christ and by being obedient to him that we are able to please God. It is not because of anything special about us except that we have been captured by Christ's love and are led by him daily in his triumphal procession.

If you want to know more about coming to Christ for salvation, see my other blog.

Thank you for visiting and reading my blog. I sincerely hope this post is helpful and an encouragement.  

(c)Adron Dozat 1/13/15