Sometimes, we feel like we are in a losing battle where our problems are going to beat us
"No in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us." Romans 8:38.
The Biblical passage before this verse lists many adversities, trials, afflictions, and tests.
We are conquerors over...
* Sin,
* The devil,
* The world,
* Test
* Afflictions
* Persecutions
* Trials.
We not only overcome our trials but also overcome them abundantly to the point that we are made better off for having been in the trial. The lessons we learn and the character we develop far exceed the price paid by going through the tests. We can rejoice in trials and afflictions in ways that the world can only guess at. Our test actually deepens our faith and joy.
Being more than conquerors is more than not being overcome by our afflictions but understanding that those afflictions actually cause us to know our Lord better. We are drawn closer to him and are made more like him.
Because we are conquerors, we can face trials and afflictions with joy and courage.
It is not by a program, education, church, or determination that we can overcome. It is through him who loved us, by the Blood of the Lamb. Victory is achieved through Jesus, whose death has already won the victory. He is the victor because he has overcome. He has defeated sin, death, the world, and Satan- that victory is one of the things we share in Jesus' death and resurrection.
The trials we face are nothing compared to his victory in his death and resurrection.
If we can trust him to deliver us from sin and its judgment, it should be a small thing to trust him to give us victory over our trials.
We come to Him by faith for salvation, for through him we are saved, and in the same way, we come to him by faith for victory.
If he loved us enough to die to redeem us, he surely loves us enough to give us victory over the afflictions of our daily lives.
(c)Adron Dozat 12/6/14