Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How To Win The Esteem Of Others

We all want the esteem of friends, spouses, or parents.

We want them to see us as special. Sometimes we would do anything for it no matter what the cost.

“’ Has not my hand made all these things, and so they came into being?’ Declares the Lord.‘This is the one I will esteem: he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and trembles at my word.’” Isaiah 66:2, NIV.


To esteem is to have high regard, value, and respect for something.

The high esteem of God is better than the esteem of the whole world. God gives a list of what he is looking for in the one he will esteem highly.


Humble is to be lowly and put others ahead of yourself in thought and action.

Contrite in spirit is to willfully be deeply sorry for wrongs.

The person who trembles at God's Word is someone who recognizes the truth and power of God’s Word, the Bible, and responds with awe and reverential fear.

Who is any of these things?
     * We should pray to be.
     * We should decide to put others first.
     * We should resolve to be humble.
     * We should recognize and repent of our sins.
     * We should learn God’s Word.

To earn God's regard would encompass all other ambitions; if you win the esteem of God, you will have it from the one whose esteem is most important. It would be nice to have the esteem of the rich, powerful, and famous people, but God's esteem is better. It would be better to have God’s esteem than be the head of state, industry, or to have wealth, fame, or fortune.
What God esteems is the opposite of what man esteems. We admire the one who is powerful, good-looking, smart, talented, speaks well, etc. On the other hand, the God of Heaven looks on the "humble and contrite in spirit who trembles at his word." That could be a grandma, a single parent in poverty, a gas station attendant, or a cashier, or just the guy up the street. You would never know by looking.

If you are the kind of humble self-sacrificing person that God esteems, you will be the kind of giving, serving, a good citizen who is full of kindness doing good works the people around you will esteem.

To learn how you can know God in a personal way, follow this link: Click here.

(c) Adron 7/23/13