Monday, August 27, 2012

Is It Any Good To Serve God. 1 Corinthians 15:58

Does it do any good to serve God? Is it worth my time? What if, after all this work, no one comes or is blessed by it?

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm, let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know your labor in the lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15: 58, NIV*.


God does not ask us to be full of busyness but to stand firm as in the "Be still and know I am the Lord.*" statements that are repeated in scripture.  Sometimes it is the misdirected busyness that wears us out.  God does not want us to be busy for the sake of doing something; He wants us to serve and give ourselves as an act of worship.


We should not let an opportunity to serve God pass us by.  We should always be willing to serve and always be ready to do the work of the Lord.


To give yourself to the work of the Lord is a choice you must make for yourself.  We must do this as an offering of worship.  We must not give halfheartedly or just sometimes, like on the days the church meets.  We must be fully turned on for every opportunity to serve God willingly and cheerfully. Being sour-faced and complaining indicates that one is not giving themselves fully to the Lord.


So much of what we do is not the work of the Lord because our attitude is vain or selfish.  If we are doing something to be seen and receive praise or because of guilt or because we are pressured to do it, this is not the work of the Lord, no matter the mission or project.  If we do something, even an everyday household chore, with an attitude that it is given to God as an act of worship, then that becomes the work of the Lord.


Serving the Lord is labor, and sometimes it is hard.  Sometimes you come early and leave late and serve meals without having time to eat.  Sometimes, you are up late at night preparing to serve, then getting up early to give service.  The willing, joyful heart that gladly makes these sacrifices in his name turns labor into the work of the Lord.


This is a promise that our labor would not be in vain.  We may not see the fruit of our efforts, but it is not in vain, nor is the effort wasted.  The results may be hidden from our eyes or may take a long time to come, but they will come.

*Psalm 46:10

To read this verse in other translations, then follow this link: Online Parallel Bible.

To learn more about coming to God, follow this link: Salvation.

Adron 8/27/12