Sunday, July 29, 2012

What to do When Prayer is Unanswered ? Psalm 40:1-2

Sometimes we pray, and it seems God is not listening. Should we give up and abandon God since it looks like he abandoned us?

"I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and the mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.Psalm 40:1-2, NIV


Our generation is not a patient one; we hurry and can't wait. We are conditioned by instant results promised by advertisers who offer instant quotes, on-the-spot approval, and pain relievers faster than the competition. We watch television where all the mysteries are solved, and all problems are fixed in fifty minutes.

The psalmist needed God, and seeking God discovered he had to wait. We don't know how long he waited. Was it days or hours? It could have been months or years, but he waited.

There are many reasons to wait.
     * It is God's will.
     * We will grow in character.
     * It will make us value the results.
     * It shows our faith.
     * Not to wait is to take second best.
     * It is the test we must pass.
     * It honors God.
     * It proves our sincerity.


God is not bound by time. With God, one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. We cannot understand God's relationship to time.  Our view of "now" is minimal. God is as beyond now as he is beyond time since he is the creator of both.  We are subject to the limits of time, but we must not project our limitations on God.


This poet waited, and God turned to him and heard his cry. For the Almighty One who sustains the universe to turn about and respond to our cry is amazing! The one waiting was lifted, not just helped but lifted as if God intervened, completely altering the laws of the physical universe on his behalf and lifted him out of the mud and mire.


The poet's feet were set on a rock. This was done for him, and it was done deliberately. The image suggests that he, who was once wallowing, is now standing erect in a high, honored, and secure place.

He was given a firm place. He didn't earn it or put it together himself, but it was completely given to him. He was given a place that is not movable and won't shake.

He said I "waited." This is past tense. The waiting ended with blessings, honor, and rewards. Our waiting will end. The Lord will come and lift us.

(c)Adron Dozat 7/29/12