Monday, September 5, 2011

How do we have victory as Christians. Proverbs 2:7

Is victory bought through sacrifices or earned by charitable works or some other way?

"He holds victory in store for the upright; he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless." Proverbs 2:7 NIV.


God holds victory, which means victory is certain; it is in store, waiting to be claimed. The Lord offers victory to the upright, not the smartest, beautiful, educated, or even those who have correct doctrine but those who are upright or live right. Living right is not by our ideas but by His truth.


A shield offers defense and protection. God is our shield; he is our protection, not a system, philosophy, technology, but the Almighty One. Nothing can get through, past, or over Him; there is not a better shield. The implication is that if we do not live uprightly and blamelessly, we forfeit victory and God's protection.


The words upright and blameless are key to this verse and to victory. We know that God is holy and absolutely righteous, and no one can stand before him uprightly and without blame.


How do we become upright and blameless? It can't depend on our efforts; it must come from God. We know that salvation is a gift of God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Salvation brings the gift of righteousness. We are given an upright position in Christ but shouldn't neglect it. We must turn from sin and live a life of short accounts where we constantly confess and repent our sins. Part of walking in blamelessness is a gift and part of our responsibility; it is a partnership between you and God. He gives uprightness as a gift, part of salvation, and we live upright lives by choice empowered by the Holy Spirit. We are given blamelessness before God regarding our sins in Christ, but we must also choose to live lives blameless before our fellow man.


Many feel defeated, but we don't lose victory- we reject it; it is in reserve to be provided for those who claim it as their privilege in Christ. If we feel no longer upright or blameless, we must come to God in confession; we must turn from our sin and receive his forgiveness and the accompanying victory.

This verse is positive and absolute. The words “He holds” and “He is” are affirmations that have no doubt. If you have come to God through Jesus, you can see God as one who holds victory and who is a shield.

To learn more about coming to God for the gift of salvation, click here to see my other blog.

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(c)Adron Dozat 9/5/11

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