Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Is Victory in My Life Only For Super Christians? 1 John 5:4

We want to have successful victorious lives of living faith, but is it only the Super Saints who experience blessing and victory?

"This is love for God: to obey his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith." 1 John 5:3, 4. NIV.

It is not the special few who have overcome the world but the verse says, "for everyone born of God," overcoming the world comes as part of the gift of salvation. We all have problems, such as work, health, relationships, and those many things that seem to be against us, but victory is not just for "Super Saints." It is for all believers.

There is a qualification: we must be, "born of God," not born of our own good deeds or efforts but born of God. (See the Gospel John, chapter 3). To be born of God we need to:

• Admit that we have sinned and are in danger of God's condemnation.
• Agree that we are not able to save ourselves from punishment.
• Recognize the death of Jesus was to pay for our sins.
• Know that God offers no other salvation except through Jesus.
• Trust in God’s offer of salvation based on Jesus' death on the Cross.

The Apostle states it like it is a fact, those born of God overcome the world, it is just something that happens. Daily defeat is not part of God's will. We will always have trials and temptations, but God's plan is for us to overcome in and through those issues.

Our victory is to be everywhere, not a selective victory like a little here and none there; it is a victory over the world- all of it. Nothing is bigger than God's overcoming victory.

This is a past tense victory; it is a done deal for Jesus’ cross conquers all. We are not waiting for some future victory. All the evil in the world is already defeated, we just need to get the word out, and we just need to act like it.

There is saving faith where we become "born again" in Christ, but there is the faith that we need to take with us when we walk out the door; it is the ongoing experience of faith, a "God is by your side" faith. You might work it out like this, say to God. “I'm in a situation. I know You are already victorious. I know You are with me. I will accept Your victory and act like it.”

May you experience God's victory today.

(c)Adron Dozat 4/6/11