Here is a beautiful passage of scripture and at first glance, it looks like pure poetry but when you start to think about it then you see that it is much more than pretty words.
"For you have been born again not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God, For ‘all men are like grass and their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of the Lord stands forever.’" 1Peter 1:23-24, NIV.
Eternal salvation cannot be based on our earthly efforts but on the "Living and enduring Word of God." Nothing that we can do will last eternally or is good enough to merit salvation because we are of that “perishable seed,” anything we do will reflect the limits of our perishable origins, but eternal salvation must be from imperishable seed or else it will not endure for eternity.
No human effort or good deed could ever equal God's standard so salvation could only be a gift of God based on His Word of promise. God’s word endures and the promise of salvation is based on His word so we can have confidence in an enduring salvation.
God gives us eternal life but we focus much of our lives on passing things such as TV, hobbies, job, housework, and driving the kids to places. If we had a life full of achievements, awards, success, possessing fame and fortune- what will it matter in eternity? Like the flowers of the field, and all the monuments of mankind, our trophies will crumble into dust but “the word of the Lord stands forever.”
Our generation lives with constant change. Governments change, business policies change, laws get struck down and we feel uncertain of our place in the world, but God's Word never changes. We see things moving in cycles, but that is not how God’s Word is- it is always the same and true. Our lives may change, we may have failure and loss but God’s living Word is not affected by it. Every time we open His Word its timeless truths are still relevant to guide and comfort us.
We must not neglect God’s Word. It is living and has an agenda to make us more like Christ. We must keep the Word of the Lord in our activities, our decisions, and base our actions on the Bible. If our daily choices are founded on Scripture that day will have eternity in it and the good will last forever.
One of the most loving things God has done is to give us His Eternal Word. One of the wisest things we can do is to embrace it, learn its truths and make them our own.
To learn more about how to have eternal life in God read this other post. CLICK HERE.
"For you have been born again not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God, For ‘all men are like grass and their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of the Lord stands forever.’" 1Peter 1:23-24, NIV.
Eternal salvation cannot be based on our earthly efforts but on the "Living and enduring Word of God." Nothing that we can do will last eternally or is good enough to merit salvation because we are of that “perishable seed,” anything we do will reflect the limits of our perishable origins, but eternal salvation must be from imperishable seed or else it will not endure for eternity.
No human effort or good deed could ever equal God's standard so salvation could only be a gift of God based on His Word of promise. God’s word endures and the promise of salvation is based on His word so we can have confidence in an enduring salvation.
God gives us eternal life but we focus much of our lives on passing things such as TV, hobbies, job, housework, and driving the kids to places. If we had a life full of achievements, awards, success, possessing fame and fortune- what will it matter in eternity? Like the flowers of the field, and all the monuments of mankind, our trophies will crumble into dust but “the word of the Lord stands forever.”
Our generation lives with constant change. Governments change, business policies change, laws get struck down and we feel uncertain of our place in the world, but God's Word never changes. We see things moving in cycles, but that is not how God’s Word is- it is always the same and true. Our lives may change, we may have failure and loss but God’s living Word is not affected by it. Every time we open His Word its timeless truths are still relevant to guide and comfort us.
We must not neglect God’s Word. It is living and has an agenda to make us more like Christ. We must keep the Word of the Lord in our activities, our decisions, and base our actions on the Bible. If our daily choices are founded on Scripture that day will have eternity in it and the good will last forever.
One of the most loving things God has done is to give us His Eternal Word. One of the wisest things we can do is to embrace it, learn its truths and make them our own.
To learn more about how to have eternal life in God read this other post. CLICK HERE.
(c) Adron 2/23/11