Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Who is God’s Worker? 1 Thessalonians 3:2, NIV

Does the Almighty God of the Universe just go about His wondrous divine work while all I do is earn a paycheck and watch TV? Does he need my help?

"We sent Timothy, who is our brother and God's fellow worker in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith." 1 Thessalonians 3:2, NIV.

Timothy was the Apostle Paul's protege and an early church leader. He came to the faith through the teaching of Paul, which was built upon the foundation his grandmother taught. He had problems; in fact, he was encouraged to be less timid and care for his stomach and his many ailments. He was admonished to not allow others to look down on his youth. Timothy could sit in our church today, and you would not think him different than any other worshiper.

Paul calls him "God's fellow worker." Timothy had responsibilities in the first-century church, but we have no less responsibility in our day. We are God's fellow workers too. The work of God on this earth is being done by our hands. God has a purpose, and He calls on us to fulfill that purpose; to continue the work that the Lord began in the first century of building up the church, and make Jesus known to the lost world.

God could have written the Gospel in the clouds, on the sides of mountains, or had angels proclaim it in thunder, but instead, He chose to put it in the hands of redeemed sinners.

A fellow worker labors beside another. We work side by side with the Almighty, laboring toward the same end. We share the same struggle and bear the same sufferings as those early saints, but we also share in the rewards and the blessings.

God did not ask us to toil alone or unaided but gave us community, gifts, powers, and authority to do the same work He is doing.

When we believe the Gospel and come to God through Jesus, we are God's fellow workers; it is not optional. We must not forget that we are not here to build up our own estate but to build up His kingdom.

He doesn't need us; he could do it without us, but He wants us, and that is even better.

If you have not come to God through Jesus and want to know more about salvation, follow this link to my other blog. 

(c) Adron Dozat 12/1/10