We often quote the verse to explain the need of the gospel to someone who is seeking God. But are we not ourselves missing the point?
“For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NIV.
We act like God gave us this verse so we can quote it to the unsaved who should respond with the conviction that they are condemned sinners who need Jesus. But this is out of context. This verse is a summary statement of a thesis of the Christian faith walk experience, where Paul warns the Christian not to return to slavery to sin. (Romans 6:13-23).
Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat of a certain fruit lest they should die. Some think death was unknown in the garden but there must have been some kind of death like decaying leaves, which is what makes gardens grow. Therefore, they must have had some vague concept of death or else the command’s warning would have no significance. Maybe they thought if they disobeyed they would somehow wilt a little like the fallen leaves or fade some like flowers in the sun. Their concept proved to be far from the truth and death's reality exceeded their imagination.
We are no different, we think, “I am born again and am saved, so sin is paid for, and it's not a bad one,” and we give into a little sin. Like Adam and Eve, we have no idea of the real death. Our impression (fed by the serpent's lies), is the consequences are minor and we may only lose a little blessing here or our sanctification will be a little tarnished there. As bad as it turned out for Adam our sins are worse because we have gifts he lacked such as the Word, the Holy Spirit, fellowship, an understanding of Christ's death for us, and more. Like Adam and Eve we do not have any idea of the full consequences of our little sin, so we enslave ourselves to its creeping decay.
Both parts of this verse is a promise. The wages of sin is death; death for our Christian walk, death for our blessings in the Lord, death to our faith. The wages of sin is death even though we are in Christ and serve him.
Sin's opposite is the gift of God, a gift that is the answer to sin- eternal life. We miss the point that victory over sin is received as a gift. Let’s confess our sin quickly and in faith claim the forgiveness and victory that comes with the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(c) Adron
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“For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NIV.
We act like God gave us this verse so we can quote it to the unsaved who should respond with the conviction that they are condemned sinners who need Jesus. But this is out of context. This verse is a summary statement of a thesis of the Christian faith walk experience, where Paul warns the Christian not to return to slavery to sin. (Romans 6:13-23).
Adam and Eve were commanded not to eat of a certain fruit lest they should die. Some think death was unknown in the garden but there must have been some kind of death like decaying leaves, which is what makes gardens grow. Therefore, they must have had some vague concept of death or else the command’s warning would have no significance. Maybe they thought if they disobeyed they would somehow wilt a little like the fallen leaves or fade some like flowers in the sun. Their concept proved to be far from the truth and death's reality exceeded their imagination.
We are no different, we think, “I am born again and am saved, so sin is paid for, and it's not a bad one,” and we give into a little sin. Like Adam and Eve, we have no idea of the real death. Our impression (fed by the serpent's lies), is the consequences are minor and we may only lose a little blessing here or our sanctification will be a little tarnished there. As bad as it turned out for Adam our sins are worse because we have gifts he lacked such as the Word, the Holy Spirit, fellowship, an understanding of Christ's death for us, and more. Like Adam and Eve we do not have any idea of the full consequences of our little sin, so we enslave ourselves to its creeping decay.
Both parts of this verse is a promise. The wages of sin is death; death for our Christian walk, death for our blessings in the Lord, death to our faith. The wages of sin is death even though we are in Christ and serve him.
Sin's opposite is the gift of God, a gift that is the answer to sin- eternal life. We miss the point that victory over sin is received as a gift. Let’s confess our sin quickly and in faith claim the forgiveness and victory that comes with the gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(c) Adron
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