Friday, August 20, 2010

When God Never Forgets You. Isaiah 49:15 NIV.

We suffer terribly in our world. Some suffer from disaster, loss, pain, or emotional scars; and we ask “Does not God See?”

“Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget I will not forget you.” Isaiah 49:15 NIV.

To be forgotten may be worse than going through the physical sorrows we endure. To think that no one knows or sees our suffering is worse than the suffering itself. To be forgotten is beyond loneliness- it is loneliness because those who should care do not any longer care, and those who should remember do not. It may crush us with a darker heaviness than any disease or loss.

God replies with the assurance of His compassion. Who cares more than a mother? There is no other natural love that equals it. What mother could forget the child she is nursing; what mother has no compassion on her own children? No mother would abandon her children but God is greater, and His love is superior. Maybe some illness or disaster that may force a mother to forget, clearly that is the exception, but God will “not forget you.”

God avows His passion; He says, “I will not…” God is making a wondrous promise. He declares His willfulness to remember us in our sufferings. He commits himself to see and know our trials. If the Creator of the Universe says, “I will,” or “I will not” it is unalterable, sure, and set in eternal stone.

People forget- that is just who we are, and it is just what happens sometimes. But God says, “I will not forget you.” No matter what is happening God is seeing it, He sees your trials and your defeats; He grieves over your losses and mourns your setbacks. He has not gone off to do something else, and He didn’t leave you out of His agenda. He is the Lord Ruler of the universe, but also He is the One who knows when every sparrow falls and He knows the names of the hairs that number your head. God does not downgrade you to the place of “If I have time to get to you.” You can honestly say you are at the top of God’s to-do list.

You may feel that God has forgotten you but that is not the fact. If you are in times of hopelessness it is your turn to remember Him. Turn to Him and pray. Tell Him you acknowledge His remembrance of you, call upon and claim His compassion.

To learn more about how to have a relationship with God CLICK HERE.

(c) Adron