Friday, March 19, 2010

What Brings Joy To Our Hearts? Psalm 105:3

Many in our world are grim and desperately looking for some inner hope of purpose and joy.  Even people of deep faith struggle to find inner happiness. What is the source of joy?

“Glory in his holy name, let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice.”
Psalm 105:3, NIV.

To glory in something is like celebrating it.  We know what we glory in by what we talk about and what boast about.  You might glory in your job or accomplishment or family status.

Today few rejoice in the Lord because we have lost a sense of His holiness. His holiness is a wonderful thing;
     * It is a foundation of God's goodness.
     * It means that God will not sin.
     * It means that He is above the wickedness of our world.
     * It means that God will act righteously and fairly in each of our lives and the affairs of men.
     * It sums up His character.

We should continue to "seek the Lord."  To seek the Lord is not just for some spiritual elite; nor is it something that happens just once when we are converted.  Today's man rushes from place to place, from event to task and then rushes home to relax and unwind leaving no time to seek the Lord.

To search for God is a daily endeavor.  It looks for the Lord’s hand in our lives.  It is and an attitude that considers him and his word often, and every day.  It puts the pursuit of God at the top of our daily planners.

To let something it to allow it to be or happen, it is to put nothing in the way and refuse to stop.  Here the word let is an action word and points to a decision.  It is to purposefully choose this thing.

“Heart” symbolizes the deepest part of the basic person, and on the level of my deepest person; our very hearts should be caught up in the joy of the Lord.

Rejoice is like joy in action and joy-giving expression.  It is when our hearts are caught up in joy in the Lord.  If our hearts rejoices in anything else than the Lord it is second best at best, or maybe even idolatry.  We rob ourselves of the joy we could have by denying joy access.

We should “let” our hearts rejoice, and remove the barriers to joy, like sins, disbelief, and busyness that crowd the Lord out of our lives.  We need to allow ourselves to rejoice, even pray for joy.

If we "glory" in his holy name we will rejoice because our hearts will be fulfilling the spiritual purpose for which we were designed.

If your glory is the Lord then joy is in store for you- if you let it come.

The Lord is the source of our true joy if you want to know more about finding him then CLICK HERE.

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(c)Adron Dozat 3/19/10