Sunday, December 6, 2009

Where is The Proof Of An All Loving God? Romans 5: 7, 8.

Does God love mankind? Where is the proof of an all loving God?

“Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Romans 5:7, 8. NIV.

When it comes to love we love the beautiful, noble and worthy. The daily news demonstrates that man is not beautiful, but evil. Man has a problem- a wicked nature, call it “sin,” but being sinners we don’t like the word “sin” so we call it something else, a disorder, or an illness; which implies we can fix or cure it.

Yet generations of medicine and science has failed to expunge the nature of sin and its power in our private lives. If we could fix this problem we will fix war, famine, health care, poverty and all other evils. We try to fix sin with programs, rules, laws and efforts; but they are no better than the flawed humans who devise them.

But God loves us even in our ugly, sinful, evil, and wicked ways, and so addresses this sin issue. He begins with our most basic need- forgiveness. This means our sin must be taken away, and the threat of punishment removed.

It is in full view of our wickedness that God makes a way, for it says, "While we were still sinners Christ died for us." Before we were redeemable God redeems us. He does what we can’t do. He sees our need for salvation and forgiveness and since we can’t attain it ourselves God makes the full provision for it. He Himself pays for our sin and erases the threat of judgment forever. God didn't wait for us to become righteous or good and this is great news because we never could be.

Only Christ can deliver us from sin. The death of Jesus as our substitute for punishment succeeds. Only Jesus’ death is ratified by God and endorsed via the resurrection. His death is the ultimate expression of love. Whatever our sins are we can be assured of God’s love for us since He already demonstrated it on the Cross.

To learn more about coming to God's love and having eternal life see my other blog.

(c) Adron

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