We have heard it since childhood and tell it to our kids, yet after a lifetime of exposure to this parable, do we still miss the point?
It is in response to a question that Jesus tells a parable of how a man fell among robbers who beat him and left him half dead. A priest ignored him as he walked by, as did a religious leader. Then, a socially low-caste Samaritan stops and helps the man by treating his wounds, taking him to an inn, and paying for his care, including a promise to return and make good at any other cost. Jesus then asks, “Who was the neighbor to the man?” It begs the answer- the Samaritan. (See Luke 10:25 -37.)
Often we are so focused on the illustration that we miss the point, or we know the story so well it has no effect on us. Instead of being moved by God’s Spirit, we are inoculated against the action.
Jesus concluded the parable by saying, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise.”
How many sermons have we ever heard on the last four words of that verse? “Go and do likewise.” That is the point of it all. It is not just a story about a guy who did a good deed- but it is a mandate. When we read this passage and all others in God’s Word, it should affect us as if we are hearing His voice directed to us, as if we hear Jesus commanding us to personally “Go and do likewise.” He is telling us to be the Good Samaritan. If only we did! It would make such a change in our lives and the lives of those around us.
Jesus' words call us to a lifestyle that responds to the needs of others. The Christian life is a relationship with God; as such, we must be aware of opportunities He has set in our paths to be " Good Samaritans.”
May you find great blessings as you “go and do likewise.”
It is in response to a question that Jesus tells a parable of how a man fell among robbers who beat him and left him half dead. A priest ignored him as he walked by, as did a religious leader. Then, a socially low-caste Samaritan stops and helps the man by treating his wounds, taking him to an inn, and paying for his care, including a promise to return and make good at any other cost. Jesus then asks, “Who was the neighbor to the man?” It begs the answer- the Samaritan. (See Luke 10:25 -37.)
Often we are so focused on the illustration that we miss the point, or we know the story so well it has no effect on us. Instead of being moved by God’s Spirit, we are inoculated against the action.
Jesus concluded the parable by saying, “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise.”
How many sermons have we ever heard on the last four words of that verse? “Go and do likewise.” That is the point of it all. It is not just a story about a guy who did a good deed- but it is a mandate. When we read this passage and all others in God’s Word, it should affect us as if we are hearing His voice directed to us, as if we hear Jesus commanding us to personally “Go and do likewise.” He is telling us to be the Good Samaritan. If only we did! It would make such a change in our lives and the lives of those around us.
Jesus' words call us to a lifestyle that responds to the needs of others. The Christian life is a relationship with God; as such, we must be aware of opportunities He has set in our paths to be " Good Samaritans.”
May you find great blessings as you “go and do likewise.”
© Adron 10/11/09