Thursday, February 11, 2016

When Troubles Come Is It Any Good To Be Good?

You try to do right and be a good person as an expression of your faith, but hard times come, and it is like being good makes no difference at all. Is it worth the trouble?

"The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholds him with his hand." Psalms 37:23-24

This verse is not only a statement of faith it is a promise from God.

Steps are common, and by themselves, they are small and only measure two or three feet, but combined together you can go long distances; just as our lives are made of many small choices, but can lead us on to the end.

No one can truly claim to be a good man. What makes us bad is sin. If goodness is the absence of sin then no one is good. God considers us good based on our faith in His promise of salvation; we are not good of ourselves. God credits us with the goodness of redemption through our Savor.

Something that is ordered is arranged, laid out, or prepared. When you put something in order you are using logic, purpose, and intent. There is design in our lives as God works out circumstances and events to bring us to a place of greater character and perfection.

It is wise to remember that the one who guides our steps is the sovereign. He rules over all the universe as the all-powerful King, and it should comfort us that He is the one guiding our steps.

Delight is a happiness that is involved and experienced; it is not passive but active, you linger over a delight and enjoy it. God is not some killjoy in Heaven who is looking to make us miserable, but he is watching to see with joy that a man is good so he may delight in him.

God gives mankind free will, and He delights when we live in harmony with His designs for us. God is good and delights in good; when you do good, you are acting in a way that He is pleased with.

The most important word in this phrase is the word NOT.  There is no finality in this verse. In your darkest hour, you can have hope in His promises that you will not be entirely cast down. You can know that there is a getting up again. This points beyond the testing and trial to a time of getting back up.

This poetic phrase is a beautiful picture of the intimate care of our Heavenly Father. The hand that formed mankind out of the dust of the earth is the same hand that was pierced for our transgressions and it is that hand that will hold us up. The hand is the symbol of
     * Strength,
     * Comfort,
     * Power,
     * Creativity,
     * Giving,
     * And touch.

No matter how desperate your trials are there is no better place than being in God's protective hand, count on it, accept it by faith, and rejoice in it.

(c) Adron 2/11/16