Monday, November 2, 2015

Can A Person Really Have A Change Of Heart?

Are there some people that God Cannot Change?

We sometimes think that a person is too hard for God to change. Maybe they are from a background with a reputation, or from a lifestyle that is counter to God's will for their good, so we doubt that change is possible.  The Bible relates an incident of such a one who changed.

"As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul's heart, and all these signs were fulfilled that day." 1 Samuel 10:9.


Saul was just a farm boy looking for his lost livestock which he couldn't find.  He had no designs on the kingship.  He was not interested in any exceptional service to God or God's people.  The prophet Samuel came and anointed him as king and then God did something.  He changed Saul's heart.


Though Saul was far from perfect he is credited with many great accomplishments of a rare leader.

Some changes in him were immediate and others become evident over time but the change could not be disputed.


The verse does not tell in detail how God changed Saul's heart; whether it was circumstances, or the miracle of the Holy Spirit, or some sort of awakening.

We do not often know the details of the Almighty's working, but we can see the evidence of it.

A heart can change and the person with it, but remember the verse above tells us it was God that did the change not Samuel's preaching, teaching, or act of anointing.  There are many people around us who need God to make the change in their hearts.  We do not go around with anointing oil to anoint them, but we do have the blessing of prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Pray that God changes the hearts of those around you, and pray for a change in your own heart.

If you feel that you need a change in your life then see my other post about the Gospel CLICK HERE.

(c) Adron Dozat 11/2/15