"For this is what the sovereign Lord says; I myself will search for my sheep and look after them." Ezekiel 34:11.
This verse starts with an affirmation, a concrete statement. It is one you should pay attention to because if God says it you can count on it.
Here God uses a double title: Sovereign and Lord. God is sovereign in that He is the king of all and final authority, in all things, there is no higher person or office. He is Lord as the one who has ultimate command and is the absolute ruler.
It is God alone who searches for you- who better? God does not need another to find his sheep, and God is not willing for another to look for his sheep. Salvation is from God and even though we have the gospel, and the church is charged with spreading the gospel, it is God who finds His sheep. He may use the church or others to accomplish His will in finding them but salvation comes from God alone.
To search is looking with dedication, and to look intently without giving up. It is not a quick scan but it is the diligent looking where you overlook nothing and investigate every place. It takes time and effort.
God is not searching because he doesn't know where you are; He is searching as in using all avenues and resources to bring you to Him.
The word, my, is a word of ownership. This verse was written for God's people, Israel, in ages past but the reference speaks to anyone who responds to the Lord's call today. God calls those who come to him, "mine."
Sheep are very needy and no other creature is as dependent on human care as sheep are. A shepherd cares diligently watching and protecting the sheep morning and night. In the same way, God longs to care for his sheep.
Like the shepherd who looks for his sheep over the hills and valleys God has looked from far away and has seen us and our need. He sees that we are struggling with weakness, pain, and sin. Out of love, He sent his son to take our sins on himself and bear their punishment, His death as our substitute satisfied the judgment of God and his resurrection proves that he has power to give us abundant life here and eternal life.
We must not be the sheep who run from the shepherd. God calls us to him but we must come.
If you want to learn more about coming to God see my other blog about salvation.
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