Sunday, October 26, 2014

When Should a Humble Person Talk About Themselves? Psalm 107:2

People of faith value humility and don't feel it right to talk about their experiences, but is that what the Bible teaches? The answer is in Psalm 107:2.

"Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story- those he redeemed from the hand of the foe." Psalm 107:2

To redeem something is to buy it back. It means to pay the price to get something or someone released. When you come to God, you are redeemed from the demands of justice against your sins.

This word is in the past tense. These redeemed are already redeemed; they are not hoping for salvation someday but have already received salvation.

We are not able to be our own redeemer from sin and its judgment since even our most righteous deeds are contaminated and not good enough to pay for sin, but God is righteous and is able to make redemption a reality for anyone who receives it. Since he has become our redeemer, he claims ownership of the redeemed. He says we are his, and the foe has no claim on us.

The testimony of those who have been freed from sin is powerful enough to change the world. People need what the redeemed have: healing, restoration, salvation, forgiveness, and love. When we tell our story, we are the light they need.

The telling of the story of God's deliverance is an act of worship since it acknowledges who he is and what he has done. It is also an act of gratitude and should be proclaimed with thankfulness.

The context of the verse discusses historical events and cultural experiences of ancient times, but it applies perfectly to our lives today. We have a foe in sin. Sin has put us in bondage and corrupted our world. Sin brings us into judgment since it must be punished, but Our Lord has paid the bondage price in his own blood by his death and has taken our punishment. He has freed us and called us his own.

The Lord's redeemed have a wonderful message of light and hope, and we should encourage each other to tell it to this dark and needy world.

If you are uncertain that you are redeemed by the Lord, click here to read my other blog about salvation.

(c) Adron Dozat 10/26/14

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