Sunday, March 2, 2014

Finding Permanence In Life. Hebrews 12:28

Our world is full of the temporary where things come and go quickly such as culture, friends, fashion, governments, and wealth. Where is something that is permanent? The Bible makes a statement that points in that direction.

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." Hebrews 12:28.

This is a confident pair of words.  Not "we hope" or "we wish" but it is firmly established as a fact that this is happening.

Another word of affirmation is in the present tense as if it were happening now. Receiving suggests that it comes from somewhere else, as when something is given by another. We are on the receiving end of God's gift of salvation through faith in Jesus. It is not something we make ourselves, but we must trust in the one who gives it.

A kingdom that cannot be shaken has never been seen in human history but this kingdom is not human- it is God's.  We are put in a place that cannot be torn down or threatened.

God has given us status in His kingdom: it is right and morally imperative that we be thankful.

Worship is the fruit of thankfulness, and it is the logical extension.  Thanks may come from the mind, but worship comes from deeper within us.  Our hearts and soul begin to respond to what we are saying in our minds, and worship comes out.

Worship should be done with reverence, awe, and even fear. We have much to be thankful for, but the greatest to be thankful for is the person of the Almighty. We must not only think about the wondrous blessings He has given us in Christ; we must also remember He is the High and Holy One whom angels obey.

The world around us will change, but God's love will not, and the eternal life he gives in Christ will never change, be taken, or lost.  Let us worship in word and deed for our wondrous blessing in Christ.

To read Hebrews 12 in its entirety click here.

To learn how you can come to Jesus and find eternal life and meaning visit my other blog.

(c) Adron 3/2/14