Saturday, August 24, 2013

Where To Find Inner Strength For Hardships.

We have so many hardships we want to hide from them. Can we escape our problems?

"But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3.

(CLICK HERE to see some 2 Thessalonians 3:3 art.) 


We may have troubles, problems, afflictions, and many woes, and then we come to the great word, "but" this word is the turning point.

It is like saying...
     We have troubles, but the Prince of Peace...
     We have problems but God The Almighty...
     We have afflictions, but the One who Rules the Universe...
     We may have trials but the Lord of all things...

The word "but" is not only a turning point; it is an introduction of the one who revokes or changes all that goes before the word "but."


Many of our problems seem big because our view of God seems small. Remember who the Lord is and what he has done in creation, history, and salvation.

Few of us face an Egyptian army with an ocean on our backs, but if we did, it would be nothing to our God; he is bigger; he opens the sea, lets us escape, and drowns the army. Few of us face a fiery furnace, but if we did, it would be nothing to our Lord; he just takes a walk with us through it. Few of us are thrown into a lion's den, but it is nothing to the Creator of lions- he just shuts their mouths, so they are hungrier when our accusers take our place in the den.


God is not like us; He does not break His promise.  Some say there are over 300 promises in the Bible, and He has never broken a single one.  In this verse, His faithfulness is directly associated with strength and protection. If God says He will strengthen you, then He will, and you can count on it.


To be given strength suggests going through a hard time and bearing it to victory.  We may want an easy way out, but the Wise Father often has a better plan; he wants us to grow and mature, and often of hardship does this.  He is there and goes through it with us.

You may have to go through a hard time but do not give up; the Lord is faithful, He will go through it with you.

If you have not come to salvation through faith in Jesus' death for your sins but want to know more, follow this link to my other blog.

(c) Adron Dozat 8/24/13