Sunday, May 5, 2013

What Do I Do To Earn God's Love?

Is it possible that God can love us when we are bad people and do bad things to others? Is there something we should do to ensure God's love to us? Do we need to start some program of religion to earn the love of God?

"He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will, to the praise of this glorious grace which he has freely give us in the one he loves." Ephesians 1:5-6, NIV.

Since God is all-knowing he knew that creating mankind would result in his own sacrifice on the cross to pay for the rebellion of mankind.  Yet it is a marvel of love that with such complete knowledge God went ahead and created the world and the people in it- even knowing they would become rebels against him.

There are many questions about the relationship of man to God, but much is clear; first that God not only had foreknowledge of man's rebellion, and even so He already had love for mankind.  It was part of God's plan that he would love each of us even to his own death on our behalf.

     * Before we repent God already loved us.
     * Before we serve him God already loved us.
     * Before we worship him God already loved us.
     * Before we were born God already loved us.

When we come to God through Jesus we are not only saved from our sin's judgment and hell's eternal torment we are brought into a relationship with the Father.  He not only sees us as His servants and members of His kingdom but He adopts us into sonship as his heirs.

As far as God is concerned we have the same rights and privileges before him as His son.  We are not on the outside in any sense of the word- we are more than ever inside the place of God's favor.  We are royalty in the kingdom of God.  This is love to the extreme.  He holds nothing back.

God is not like us and is not motivated like we are.  He is pleased to share Himself with us.  He is happy to give blessings to those who accept His salvation.  We can't understand why a mighty God would give so much to rebels and transgressors but it is something we can be thankful for.

Nothing we can do will make God love us more than he already does, but if we have rejected his salvation we will not experience or know that love personally.  He invites us to grace through his son Jesus.

To learn more about how to become a child of God follow this link: Click Here.

(c)Adron Dozat