Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is The Christian Political View?

A Christian Political View
What does the Bible say is the best political view? Can I look to my government to fix society by law, political party, or popular vote?

"Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe." Hebrews 12:28. NIV*.

When we come to Jesus we come to more than any religion can offer. We receive eternal salvation in heaven, a status as an adopted sons and daughters of God, forgiveness for all guilt and wrong. There is something more we receive- it is kingdom. Not just membership in church, or a faith community, we become citizens of God's kingdom rule. We have an identity that supersedes any allegiance forged by man or government; we are citizens of God's kingdom above all and foremost.

Our governments may change, topple, be conquered or collapse but the Government of the Lord God in Heaven will never fade. We have a place in an immovable kingdom. Though we watch the values and morals of society rot and crumble, and we grieve for those lost souls who have nothing else, still we put our hope in that eternal kingdom built on the foundation of Jesus' blood.

We should not sit around dreaming of blessed tomorrows, we should be busy doing the work of the kingdom. We should oppose unrighteous laws and institutions that hurt, and as good citizens we work toward a better society, because as Christians we are called to be the salt of the earth. There are many scriptures about citizenship we need to follow, such as obeying our civil authorities, praying for those in authority over us, being productive and working with our hands and many more. Christians should work for a better tomorrow and leave our posterity a healthier planet and more righteous country. We are exemplary citizens of our nations and communities because we are members of a superior kingdom which expects nothing less and of a king who deserves our all.

Our lives should be lives of worship and every task we do in our communities as citizens should take God into consideration with an attitude of awe and reverence. In this way we will accomplish more good than any election, politician, or national head of state ever will.

Our greater primary duty is to our King seated in Heaven, we are to give him worship and thanksgiving for the eternal kingdom we are in the process of receiving. We hope in the kingdom we are receiving by faith because God is giving away a kingdom far better than any we could make here.
To learn more about finding Jesus follow this link to my other blog: click here

*To read Hebrews 12:28 in other translations follow this link: Online Parallel Bible.

(c)Adron Dozat

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