Thursday, April 5, 2012

What Would Happen If You Met Jesus? Luke 5:11

What would it be like to meet Jesus? How would you react?

"When Simon Peter saw this he fell at Jesus' feet and said, 'Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!' For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken... Then Jesus said to Simon, 'Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men.' So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him." Luke 5:8-9,11, NIV.


Simon encounters Jesus.  It was the miracle of the great catch of fish, big enough to almost sink both boats that make Simon aware of who Jesus is, and Simon confesses his own sinfulness.  Jesus welcomes him and Simon leaves everything.


Simon had a deep reaction to meeting Jesus, he felt the shame of his sin, and he realized he was in the presence of the Lord.  His first response was to say, "Go away from me, I am a sinner."  Notice the "Me," and "I," he was seeing himself as he was and was contrite.  When we meet Jesus we can expect the same at some point.  Jesus said he did not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.* Without an awareness of our sinfulness and a sense of the need for repentance of our sins, our encounter with Jesus will only be academic, mere facts and history.  Simon's encounter with Jesus was not intellectual it was deep, personal, passionate and relational.


Simon made a decision, he left all.  "They pulled their boats up on the shore." Boats do not belong on the shore they belong in the water. This act illustrates the complete ending of one life and the commencement of another.
They left everything and followed Jesus

They left everything, not just a few things, or the lesser things, they brought nothing with them; there was no keeping this or that,  "just in case."

Jesus had a plan for Simon, that he would "catch men."  He has a plan for each of us too, a unique purpose. Part of it is that we come to know him like Simon did, then part of it is to make him known.

Simon met Jesus and went from anonymous provincial fisherman to Apostle.  We can meet Jesus too. We meet him in the Bible, in prayer, and fellowship with those who are his followers.  To meet Jesus will force a decision to follow or not, those who follow must be willing to give up everything. Simon's boats, nets, and tackle are long gone to dust, but he today is enjoying rewards far more precious with his beloved Jesus in Heaven.

To learn more about having a personal encounter with Jesus follow this link: See my other blog.

* Luke 5:32
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(c) Adron 4/5/12