Can I ever find happiness? The Bible says, “Yes!”
“Blessed are they whose ways are blameless, who walk according to the law of the Lord.” Psalm 119:1 NIV.
The word “Blessed” can be interpreted as “Happy,” So you may say, “Happy are they, etc…”
The Bible does not say that finding happiness is by gathering up a lot of stuff, having wonderful relationships, peace, and security, liberty, status or achievements. That is how we are conditioned to think.
What does it mean to be blameless? This is a person who has a good character. Good character comes by walking according to the law of the Lord.
Most people's experience is that keeping rules do not lead to happiness. A man once asked Jesus which one was the most important commandment and Jesus answered the most important was to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind," (Matthew 22:37). The second was like it, "To love your neighbor as yourself," (Matthew 22:39). Of all rules, this is most important.
Happiness is found in obedience to God's laws, Gods laws are summed up in the command to love, and love is summed up in sacrificial giving of yourself; after all, "For God so loved the world he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16).We must come to God the Father through Jesus so we may experience love and then we will be able to live love then we will find happiness.
Both the Old Testament and New sum up the law in the command to love God and your fellow man. Make love your standard and your goal. Begin each day with a resolution to love God and mankind. In every choice ask yourself, "What is the most loving choice?" If you have a conflict ask, "What is the most loving solution?" If you see a need ask yourself, "What is the most loving thing I can do here?"
To learn more about how to come to God see my other blog.