Sunday, June 6, 2010

I Have Overcome The World. John 6:33

We feel defeated and beaten at times and that we face a long dark future. But maybe we are looking in the wrong direction.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you will have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33. NIV.

Jesus wants us to have peace but we miss out on the peace that He wants to give us. We see things with a nearsighted short vision. We worry, fret, and spend our time fixated on problems. But he wants us to have peace to be untroubled by the dire problems in our lives and those around us.

Jesus said that he had overcome the world. He said this on the eve of his crucifixion. You would think he would not be so bold. But what we see as defeat and death for our Lord is actually the victory. Overcome means to triumph over or prevail and the Lord has done all this and more. Jesus is victorious. We live in ‘this world,” but this reminds us that there is another world and another kingdom. If the view is dark I must remember to look to the permanent world, not this shadow.

Notice the tense of Jesus’ words. It is not future tense as, “I will overcome the world,” but “I have overcome the world.” It is not some hope in the future or some plan, but a done and certain fact. Do I have a problem? Do I have a situation? Is there something I need to do? I can come to Jesus. I can come to Jesus because he has overcome the world, and this problem, situation or task is under his jurisdiction as conqueror and Lord. If he has overcome the world he has already overcome my problem my situation or task.

There is a condition; it is the two words, “in me.” It is not because of me, or my teaching, nor by a meditation, prayer, church attendance or any other discipline, but we have peace by being in Jesus. Many believers forfeit their peace because they refuse to be in Jesus. It is a matter of faith living, We come to Jesus by faith and we live in Jesus by faith, we must believe it and act like it to have it. We forfeit being in Jesus often maybe when we refuse to pray, neglect bible study or fellowship with others of faith. We can’t be in Jesus and be in sin. We must repent and live in Jesus by faith, not by the world’s standards then we will have peace.

(c) Adron

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