All of us live solitary lives at some time or another. Is there hope for those who want to be loved?
"God sets the lonely in families he leads the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." Psalm 67: 6, NIV.
God does nothing as an afterthought; "God sets the lonely in" implies preparation. God knows that family is one of our deepest needs, and He lovingly readies the family for us. You ruin a cake if you pull it out of the oven too soon, so we must wait for our loving God to finish what He will set us into.
God made us so that we can know Him, and the part of us that longs for love also longs for God; our loneliness echoes the more profound need for companionship with our Creator. Until God "sets" you in a family, make God your family. When we make God our family, He makes us ready for the family He will give.
Spend time with Him like you would a family member.
* Talk to Him in prayer.
* Love him.
* Pursue the things He is doing.
* Serve God in the church and your community.
* Listen to Him when reading the Bible.
We may feel imprisoned by our loneliness, but pray, take this verse as yours, and claim it as a contract with God. He will lead you with songs.
"God sets the lonely in families he leads the prisoners with singing; but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land." Psalm 67: 6, NIV.
This verse begins with a wonderful God who is loving and compassionate. God sees the lonely, and He cares. We must let God act in this. Let Him set the lonely in families.TRUST
Let God put us "in" a family. If we do it alone, we risk missing the target; we might end up as only part of a family but not "in" a family. Our efforts risk second best, so avoid solutions that do not have God in them.God does nothing as an afterthought; "God sets the lonely in" implies preparation. God knows that family is one of our deepest needs, and He lovingly readies the family for us. You ruin a cake if you pull it out of the oven too soon, so we must wait for our loving God to finish what He will set us into.
Pray about our loneliness. Telling God about our needs is not selfish or vain. When we pray, we pour our needs out to Him. He can handle it, and we need to talk to Him.God made us so that we can know Him, and the part of us that longs for love also longs for God; our loneliness echoes the more profound need for companionship with our Creator. Until God "sets" you in a family, make God your family. When we make God our family, He makes us ready for the family He will give.
Spend time with Him like you would a family member.
* Talk to Him in prayer.
* Love him.
* Pursue the things He is doing.
* Serve God in the church and your community.
* Listen to Him when reading the Bible.
We may feel imprisoned by our loneliness, but pray, take this verse as yours, and claim it as a contract with God. He will lead you with songs.
(c) Adron 2/8/10
Thank You!