Sunday, October 25, 2009

Where To Find Help When Your Problems Are Bigger Than Anything, Jeremiah 32:18

Many feel their problems are so big and their need is so great that nothing can be done and no one can help, but one person can.

“Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you.” Jeremiah 32:17, NIV.

As kids we learned that nothing is too hard for God, and we say these words, but we forget them in truth because we live as if God is too weak and too small to do anything.

A sovereign is a king and a lord is a ruler; we are reminded He is the King Ruler or Supreme Monarch- the irresistible as ruler of the universe. Since he is  Lord and King of all his commands to the natural and supernatural are immediately and utterly obeyed.

God can’t be resisted since He is also the Creator, as maker God has power and command over all things. Logically if He made it He can fix it, alter it or unmake it. The phrase "Heavens and the earth" covers all creation, nothing is outside of these realms. No other force can invade and challenge his authority.

God is more powerful than what He creates. Not only does He creates but does it by "great power and an outstretched arm" Not just power- but great power. Many times we attribute strength to a man’s arm. It is a picture of strength in action. It shows He willing to use this power and act.

Who would oppose such a God? In light of whom He is, Sovereign Lord, Creator, Possessor of power, and the manifestation of strength, the prophet Jeremiah exclaims "Nothing is too hard for you," Nothing is outside His rule, as Sovereign Lord. Nothing is outside His creation. Nothing is greater than His power. Nothing can resist His outstretched arm. Having considered who God is we must say, "Nothing is too hard for you."
  • NO matter what your difficulty God is supreme and has the authority to overcome it.
  • NO matter what your trial God is the Creator and He can control all creation.
  • NO matter what your problem God is more powerful.
  • NO matter what your worry God is willing to stretch out His strong arm.
The only limits to God in our lives is our lack of faith, it keeps us from seeking His power and strength. We need to reach up with faith and ask Him to act on our behalf. We need to trust and accept whatever answer he provides and thank him for it.

To learn more about how to have God in your life see my other blog.

(c) Adron 10/25/09