Thursday, July 7, 2016

What If I Am Tired Of Serving The Lord?

Are you tired of serving God?

Sometimes you just get tired of serving God because it is so draining on your time and energy, and after all that work, it seems like no one appreciates it. So what do you do?

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." 1 Corinthians 15:58. 

In the writings of St. Paul, serving God was not exclusive to the clergy or the faithful of a certain rank; he saw serving God as a privilege and a mandate for every believer.

At first glance, this is not a phrase that illustrates a lot of activity. More than once in the Old Testament, God says, "Be still and know I am the Lord," Psalm 46:10. Exodus 14:13. 2 Chronicles 20:17.
To stand firm means to not give way to an enemy in battle or leave a position. A soldier on the battle line does not need to advance as much as he needs to hold his one place in line, so he must stand firm. If he fails to stand firm in his one position, the entire line may collapse, and the battle lost- when we fail the Lord, those we love are hurt too.

"Let" is a word that tells us that we have a choice. Choose and resolve to allow nothing to move you. We must be watchful for the many little things that can move us by an inch from our place. If the enemy can get us to move enough inches, then we will have moved a yard. We must be vigilant and diligent to be watchful of all temptations, big and small.

There is no exception. There is not a day off and no vacation from persevering in service to God. Every situation is an opportunity to demonstrate faithfulness.

Again we are challenged to choose to be all out for the Lord. We don't give ourselves halfway or 90%, or mostly we must be fully given to the Lord.  This is a reasonable response because he gave himself fully for us in his death for our sins.

We can be assured there is not any doubt.

A condition. not all church work is in the lord. Two people can be doing the same work simultaneously and place, but one may be in the lord, and the other is not.  The difference is the heart attitude; if we are serving selfishly or seeing it as drudgery, it is not in the Lord. But if we are serving with an attitude of  Love, devotion, joy, and obedience, we are doing that task in the Lord.

We may not see the fruit of our labors but are like the patriarchs who sought a city not made with hands which are to say we obey God's calling in faith. We do not know the outcome and may not even see the fruit of it in our lives here on earth, but we have this promise in this verse that our labor, our energies, and our lives will not have been wasted.

Resolve that no matter how tough it is to stand for the lord where you are, he is the one who makes it worth it.

To learn more about how to have a relationship with God, CLICK HERE.

(c) Adron 7/7/16

If you are interested in seeing some calligraphy art for 1 Corinthians 15:58 CLICK HERE