This short post gives a perspective on being rejected from the example of Jesus who experienced tremendous rejection and misunderstanding.
When we experience rejection we are sometimes angry and hurt, we lash back or pout. What did Jesus do when he was rejected?
How did Jesus handle with Rejection |
"But when the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, 'Hosanna to the Son of David,' they were indignant. 'Do you hear what these children are saying?' 'Yes,' replied Jesus, 'Have you never read, from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise. 'And he left them and went out of the city to Bethany, where he spent the night." Matthew 21:16-17, NIV.
This is the sorry end of what should have been the greatest day in history. The people were ready to receive him as king, he came riding humbly on a donkey to fulfill prophecy, (Zechariah 9:9), he cleansed the temple, the children were praising him, and he healed the sick, all are actions demonstrating that he was the rightful king- but, the leaders out of jealousy rejected him.
* Jesus did not argue further with them.
* He did not demand they accept the evidence of his authority and Kingship.
* He did not force himself upon them.
* He did not use power to overcome the rejection.
* He did not command angel armies or followers to support of His Kingship.
He does not force himself on anybody, Jesus offers himself.
The offer was rejected, "and he left them and went out of the city..." Though he is Savior forever; there are times when we may reject his influence in our lives. There may be an area of thought, family, job, friendships, or time management where he is waiting to be the king, but we reject his kingship. When we reject him he withdraws, he won't force himself where he is not invited.
When the leaders rejected Jesus they rejected blessing, glory, and salvation for themselves and Israel. When a person today rejects Jesus as king of family, thoughts, money, or some other area then they may be rejecting blessings.
A day is coming when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus is Lord, and a time when he will rule as King of Kings and Lord of Lords; but we seem to be living in a time of grace and choice.
These are frighting words which say, "and went out of the city." When rejected Jesus completely removed himself from them. His influence was gone. No more healing, miracles or teaching in the city that day. Jesus promises to never leave nor forsake his own, he said that no one can snatch those who come to him out of his hand, ( John 10:28); but the Christian life is a living, and growing relationship with Christ and relationships are work. We must be open to Jesus and careful to not reject him in any area of our lives.
May our response to Jesus be not a cause for him to withdraw his blessings and influence in our lives.
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Philippians 2:11 Revelation 19:16